Join us for a fabulously fun double-knitting KAL. These Exfoliator washcloths are scrubby on one side and smooth as butter on the other. And you knit both sides all at once as you go!
Pattern will be available here on March 21, and here's the schedule:
Monday, March 23: Introductions & Yarn Photos
Tuesday, March 24: Cast on and finish two rows.
Wednesday, March 25: Finish the first 3".
Thursday, March 26: Finish the first 6".
Friday, March 27: Finish the first 9" (or to the size you prefer).
Saturday, March 28: Final Photos & Prizes!
There will be prizes every day for participants, including free patterns, ebooks, & greeting cards from Wylde & Plumb's PAPER Brilliants shop. Comment below to let us know you're in!
P.S. !!! If you're working ahead of the start date, be sure you twist your yarns both at the edges and occasionally across the body of the cloth. If you keep them separate you'll end up with two separate sheets of fabric. Be lazy and sloppy and let them twist often!
and I love your blue! Also like Nic's with both sides cotton. Nice work everyone and so fun being able to talk and knit with you all
Hi all well I’m done it was fun to learn double knitting. I think I will make a couple more. hopefully they won’t be as wonky as this one!
I am finished. I made a project on Ravelry and posted on Facebook and Instagram.
SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 2020: Last Day!
Today's the last day for the KAL-- maybe it went too quickly? Not sure how many finished products we might have?
It's always fun doing projects with you all! Next project will be the Apple Bottom Market Bag KAL, April 5-15. That' s just a couple of weeks away!
These project forums always stay open, so you can always come back to post pictures or ask a question, or just see what happened during the project!
Until next time, stay well and healthy!
Probably finish this evening. Had an issue with my mom but it’s better now.
Finishing today, time’s flying 😀
I will be able to finish tomorrow. I have ab an inch and a half to go.
FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 2020: Finish the rest of the washcloth.
Carla, it's your turn to win a prize! Are there any patterns you'd like to have? If not, maybe a book? Let me know if there's anything you'd like!
Hope everyone is doing well and finding ways to stay positive during these strange times!
Keep those photos coming!
I had about five inches finished. I am currently ripping it back to my mistake. I didn’t think one wrong stitch would show that much.
THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 2020: Finish through 6".
Good morning, knitters!
Yesterday's winner is...
Nicole! Again! Wheel Decide likes you, Nic! Today please pick a card from the PAPER Brilliants section above. The Covid-19 Birthday card is also available (see it in a post above) but I haven't put it on the website yet because I don't want my mom to see it until after her birthday April 1!
Hope everyone's staying well and not going too stir-crazy. I'll admit, I'm really loving the quarantine. I keep reading articles about how Gen X was made for this, and as a Gen X introvert, I have to agree. But if you're not finding peace and joy during this enforced solitude, I hope that something today will be a pleasant surprise to help get you through!
Keep us posted with your photos!
My 3 inches
I didn’t get much finished today. I made some fabric masks for my brother this afternoon. I found a pattern that I like better that uses hair elastics around the ears. I am going to try that pattern tomorrow. I never thought I would make face masks.
I like the two cotton sides.
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 2020: Knit to 3".
How is everyone doing so far? The pictures are looking great! Keep in mind that this pattern is essentially just 1x1 ribbing, but you change yarns every stitch, so your k stitch is the yarn for the side that's facing toward you and your subsequent p stitch is the yarn for the side that's facing away from you. Make sure your yarns twist around each other once on each end (otherwise your washcloth will be open on the ends) just like when you change colors. Don't worry about making them twist around each other in the middle of the row. Unless you're actively working to keep them separated, they'll twist on their own.
I saw photos from @carlap2, @cms9845, and @nicoleb again yesterday. Wheel Decide says...
@nicoleb is yesterday's winner! The prize scheduled for the day is a book from Maria Keffler's smashwords bookshelf.
Nic, if you already have all the books you want from there (can't remember if you've won books before?) you can take a look at the Greeting Cards under PAPER Brilliants above. There's one new card that isn't there yet. I'll post it below, in case you like that one.
I believe we got a new KAL participant yesterday. Please welcome @Jennifer Floyd! Let us know if you have any trouble getting started on the pattern!
Happy knitting!
Inside Card: Coronavirus stinks. Hope your birthday doesn't stink too much because of it.
Me either your daughter did a wonderful job! Here are my cast on and two rows I think? I am doing this right!